National Security and Access to Information

Posted in Regional Advocacy

ODAC is currently undertaking a regional project with the Open Society and Justice Initiative, which seeks to explore the affect national security is having on the provision of information to citizens within the security sector. It is a continuation of the incredible work that was previously done in creating the Global Principles on National Security and Access to Information (more information is available here).

The project will explore the institutionalisation of access to information in security departments of three different African countries (that will include South Africa), as a method for exploring whether Tshwane Principles can be used practically to inform more open information practices in institutions that are historically very closed. This research can then be used to constructively and cooperatively develop classification and declassification guidelines that can inform the practice of access to information authoritatively, and within their given contexts.

Concurrently, we will be seeking opportunities for informed advocacy on access to information in the different countries - an area in which ODAC is field leader.

OSJI is supporting, at the same time, partners in Latin America in the exploration of similar work.

You can download the Tshwane Principles here.

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